My Story

Rebecca in her garden

I am a lifelong student of spirituality, studying it in a graduate program in Anthropology and ever since, including my years as a lawyer. I’ve had a daily meditation practice since 1993 and I’m a graduate of the CDL teacher training program of Spirit Rock. 

I’ve shared the dharma and mindfulness practice with hospice patients, incarcerated women, and the chemically dependant.  I’ve taught groups and individuals for about 20 years, primarily in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In person and on line, I’ve enjoyed introducing people all over the world to meditation practice.  I lead several sanghas regularly, offer classes and retreats, conduct ceremonies, and counsel people around the globe through a variety of media.

Please check “More” above to see the various resources I offer in person.  I hope we get a chance to meet.

© Rebecca Dixon 2013 -2025